Prevent Unexpected Engine Shutdown: A proactive fuel tank cleaning procedure prevents issues stemming from old, bad fuel that may result in unexpected engine shutdowns.
Prevent and Remove Fuel Filter-Clogging Bacteria and Fungus: Colonies of filter-clogging bacteria and fungus grow at the fuel to water barrier inside diesel fuel tanks. The by-product of these colonies is acidic sludge which corrodes tanks and engine components. With a fuel tank cleaning procedure your diesel tanks will last longer and run without issues, preventing the initial build-up of these microbes.
Prevent and Remove Water Buildup in Fuel Tanks: Even when engines are exercised regularly and operate properly, free and emulsified water slowly accumulates in the fuel tank as a result of condensation, leaky tank openings, and even fuel deliveries with high water content. As the temperature falls in the evenings, water begins to condense out of the fuel and builds inside of the tank. This can then lead to issues like the aforementioned bacteria and fungus. This is all preventable with a fuel tank cleaning procedure, in which we filter the gasoline and separate it from the water via our fuel polishing machinery.
*Regarding Gasoline Boat Fuel: Phase separation occurs when enough water contaminates the gasoline via condensation, leaky tank openings, and fuel deliveries with high water content, causing the ethanol to attach itself to the water molecules, leaving two distinct layers in the storage tank, a gasoline-only layer at the top and an ethanol/water "cocktail" along the bottom.
This greatly reduces your engine’s power as the fuel loses its quality. Our fuel cleaning procedure remediates this phase separation in ethanol blended gasoline, separating and filtering out the water from the fuel.